Atrium Nursing Home | Lelie zorggroep – Rotterdam, Netherlands
Residents at The Atrium nursing home have regained dignity, independence, and security with the installation of Bano Turnable Toilets.
At Atrium nursing home, a nursing home under the care of Lelie Zorggroep in the Netherlands, they have installed the Bano Turnable Toilet in all 60 rooms after an extensive renovation. Both residents and care staff now have a completely new everyday life with increased safety, independence, and dignity.
This is exactly what we need!
Atrium, Lelie Zorggroep, is the first nursing home in the Netherlands to choose Bano Turnable Toilets for a large project. Location manager Marianne De Paauw shares: “This is exactly what we need! It is great for our residents who regain their dignity, but certainly also for the backs of our staff. With the Bano Concept, they save time and prevent health issues due to strain.”
She continues: “When you start renovating a nursing home with small bathrooms, you have to look at innovative and smart solutions. In addition, you have to consider how the bathrooms can be ready to meet the challenges of the future. That’s how we found the Bano Turnable Toilet, and we were immediately enthusiastic.”
Would you like to read more about Bano Turnable Toilet and how it works? Read more about it here.
No longer need for assistance
You don’t often hear people brag about the new toilet they just got, but the residents at Atrium put all shyness aside to tell about their new everyday life and how they now can manage with less assistance in the bathroom. Two of the conversations even took place while someone was sitting on the toilet!
Using the bathroom is not an easy act for everyone, but everyone still has to do it several times a day. With pants halfway down, you have finally managed to get on the toilet – an achievement in itself for those with reduced mobility. But already comes the next challenge, how to get off when you’re done?
Residents Natasja and Roberto gladly demonstrate the toilet and the ease it offers because it has given them back something they have lost – their independence. In her newly renovated bathroom, Natasja illustrates from her wheelchair and says, “I can hold on much better now, and I do everything myself, it makes it so much easier.” She turns the toilet, adjusts the height, and only needs to take a small step to the side to get on the toilet.
Roberto enters the room with his rollator and says, “Before, I was always afraid of falling. I feel safer now, and I can use the toilet without help because I can push myself up from a seated position.“ He illustrates by sitting on his toilet and says, “When I turn, I can also remain seated on the toilet while showering.”
Lower sick leave among staff
Stef and Chantal are caregivers at Atrium nursing home and explain that they no longer need patient lifters and other tools to do their work thanks to Bano. They spend less time and have more space in the bathroom to help. The new toilet also makes showering the residents much easier. With Bano Turnable Toilet, we do fewer transfers in the bathroom, resulting in fewer strain injuries and lower sick leave among staff. This both increases well-being and is cost-effective.
The residents at Atrium nursing home have regained a part of their everyday life. Such things provide joy, feelings of mastery, and dignity. After all, the bathroom is our most private room, and we are happy to see that our products help improve individuals’ daily lives.
Would you like to read more about how fewer transfers lead to fewer injuries among patients and caregivers? Read more about it here.