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Sandane during summer

About Bano

It is painful to witness a loved one lose their enthusiasm for life due to a significant decline, leaving them unable to manage themselves alone in the bathroom. The story of Bano began with a personal conviction that bathrooms for the elderly, and those with special needs, should be improved to provide increased quality of life.

The idea of creating a bathroom that offers the user more dignity and a sense of independence, while also reducing the work load for caregivers, is at the core of Bano’s purpose.

Bano Turnable Toilet in Bano bathroom

Designed for care

In 1998, the founders of Bano assembled a strong team to realize the dream of a dignified bathroom for the elderly. The team consisted of experienced physiotherapists with specialized expertise in mobility, some of Norway’s foremost industrial designers, architects, and leaders in elderly care, as well as healthcare experts. Finally, the users themselves, with their crucial perspectives, were the most significant voice in the process. 

A prototype was created and installed in several locations to test the bathroom in everyday life. The design was then optimized based on the experience and feedback gathered.  

Genuine product development takes time – but it was well worth the wait. When the Bano Concept was launched in 2002, the response was overwhelmingly positive. “This is what we have been waiting for. A functional bathroom that is both appealing and affordable”. Today, the concept has been tested in hospitals, nursing homes and private homes by thousands of users and healthcare professionals and is the market leader in Norway. It is also becoming a sought-after solution internationally for users with special needs. The reason is simple: Bano is “Designed for care”.

If you want to take a closer look at the innovation projects that have contributed to the development of the Bano concept, you can read them in full here.  

Bano employee smiling in factory
Factory in Sandane and mountain

Production and Markets

Bano is an international company with sales offices in Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Switzerland, the Netherlands, and Spain. Our administrative headquarters, central warehouse and manufacturing facilities are situated in idyllic Sandane, western Norway.  

Here we design, develop and produce approximately 4000 bathrooms per year. The factory premises contain a central warehouse that ensures an efficient and secure logistics solution. All products developed and manufactured at Bano’s factories undergo a series of tests and thorough quality assurance. 

Three employees smiling sitting on sofa in Sandane office

Our People

More than 200 individuals work at Bano Group globally. We are united by our passion and commitment to ensuring that everyone can live an independent and dignified life. Our attitude is that if the solution doesn’t exist, we create it, fostering a company culture of flexibility and innovation. Are you looking to improve someone’s everyday life? We’re always happy to hear from you.

Bano Group

Fortunately, Bano is not alone in the vision of facilitating an independent and dignified life for those with reduced mobility. We are part of the Bano Group, alongside Bano Life and Bano Prefab. 

While Bano caters to users and caregivers in the institutional market, Bano Life ensures that everyone can enjoy an active and fulfilling life at home, with innovative aids for all aspects of life.  

Bano Prefab prefabricates mass-tailored bathroom pods made of steel-reinforced concrete. The pods are ideal for delivering the Bano Concept into new builds.

Siri sitting in Eloflex electric wheelchair outdoor
Two employees assembling a Bano Prefab bathroom pod